
About the shrine that prays for the beckoning cat ⛩️

Good morning 😊

“At which shrine does the beckoning cat pray?”

I often get asked this question 🙋‍♀️

(Thank you 😊)

However, due to various circumstances, we are refraining from making any announcements.

(Basically, many shrines do not accept items used for work. Therefore, the cost of praying for a lucky charm is not included as an expense.)

I feel like I'm just using my own money to pray to the beckoning cats and hina dolls to express my feelings 🙇‍♀️)

However, he is the “god who opens the door”! ! !

It says so, so if you look it up, you might find out🤣🤣

Now, let me tell you a little bit about the circumstances that led me to pray here.

I heard that it was actually very beneficial, so I immediately called and prayed for it😊

Originally, a business partner told me that they thought it would be a good idea to go there😊

Therefore, it may bring you good luck in work or business.

I also heard that someone had been in a traffic accident, but the amulet was broken and the car was scrapped, almost unscathed.

I tried to go once a year😊

``As a god who opens roads,

He will guide you in the right direction. ”

Actually, after I first started going to shrines myself, a lot of troubles happened around me.

It's very painful one after another 😅

Of course because of the hardship

“Hmm, your wishes won’t come true??”

“This is the worst!” I thought 😆

In fact, isn't it painful until that painful thing happens? ? Speaking of that,

It was tough even before that 😥

I don't want to go to the company because it's painful but I can't escape from it, such as interpersonal problems within the company... 🤔 Nothing has happened, but the company is so painful that I don't want to leave! Like? ?

And when I started praying to the god who opens the door,

The relationship is already getting worse! 🙀

Up until now, if I had endured it quietly, I could have managed to get through the hardships.

Something has happened that will cause an argument, and there is no other choice but to quarrel! Like? ? 🤣🤣

Really one after another

What do you mean? ? ! ! Like? 🤣

In the end, we had a lot of trouble and what happened was,

The person who was the cause of the constant quarrels and strained relationships is gone,

There were various things going on at home, but I left my child alone for a while (or rather, I had no choice but to leave her alone😥)

Children begin to think and act on their own, and lead their own lives.

His physical condition, which had been bad, has improved since he cut off his relationships with people at work 😆😆

If you want to get rid of the stress you're currently feeling, you might have to break something, but in reality, there are many people who try their best to endure it.

And I hope it gets better🙏.

But if you want to leave, there will be a breakup and temporary pain, but you have to break it down.

There are times when a new future may not come.

I realized it firsthand😊

For example, in love

I want to be happy with this person! As I wished,

If you can't be happy with that person,

(Wishing is difficult when people are involved😓)

After all, I think that means I'm going to move away from that person.

First of all, you can't change other people 😅

I wish my unpleasant boss would become a good person 🙏 It's tough to make it come true.

(Because the other person doesn't think of himself as an unpleasant boss 😆)

It may be there for a while, but

Problems and changes in the environment are inevitable.

I'm completely different now than I was back then, I'm calm at work and at home, and my illness and symptoms have subsided 😊

Recently, my wisdom teeth are hurting and I can't eat.

Even that won't come out unless it grows in the end🤣

If you take it out, it might cure the problem of being buried and having a bad bite ❤️

It hurts so much right now...😅

I think it's pain to get happiness 😍

When something breaks, it is painful.

Don't be afraid to break it down and get your ideal future😊

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